illumis — A ComplySci Company | Compliance Updates

ComplySci and illumis: Two regulatory compliance solutions joining together to benefit clients’ regulatory needs

Written by illumis | Apr 14, 2023 4:12:01 PM

In November of 2021, ComplySci announced the acquisition of illumis, a premier data aggregator and technology provider whose solutions are used by financial services firms to identify and mitigate risk from employee political contributions. While the initial acquisition saw the firms operating as two independent organizations, we are thrilled to announce the merging of the illumis and ComplySci brands. With this initiative, we aim to arm our clients with a more comprehensive solution to mitigating compliance risk, which includes the increased risk associated with employee political contributions.

Clients of both organizations have, for some time, seen the benefit of the two partner firms. However, by officially merging the two brands, and creating ComplySci’s Political Contribution Compliance – powered by illumis, we aim to bring a more cohesive solution to market, one which will effectively support firms in their endeavor to monitor and mitigate risk.

As COMPLY CEO Amy Kadomatsu said, “At a time when more Americans are engaged in the political process, the task of monitoring and mitigating the regulatory risk associated with employee political contributions is more complex than ever. Financial services firms – more than firms in almost any other sector – are in the crosshairs of regulators trying to root out pay-for-play in public contracts, and these firms need technology that will enable them to identify contributions as they happen in order to quickly take action to manage and mitigate risk. illumis provides the premier solution available to the financial services sector, and we are thrilled to add the illumis team to the COMPLY portfolio.

Learn more by visiting the political contribution monitoring page on